Why RIGHT NOW is the Best Time to Sell Your Home

Most people think that home sales dry up during the winter, and the housing market just shuts down for the holidays. This is simply not true. RIGHT NOW is a great time to put your house on the market for three major reasons:
1. LESS COMPETITION. Many people pull their homes off the market around the holidays because they have too much to do during this time of year. Use this to your advantage—people are still buying houses, but there are less houses out there to buy, and this can really work in your favor.
2. MORE SERIOUS BUYERS. The same is true for buyers—there are not as many during the holidays as there are in say, June. However, the people looking to buy this time of year really want, or need, to get into a home. You may get less traffic, but the showings you get will be more productive—you’ll have more serious buyers, and less “lookie loos.”
3. THE MARKET IS HOT. Charlotte’s housing market is booming right now. Home sales in relationship to the homes available over the last six successive quarters has steadily increased.
If you are thinking about selling your property, there’s no better time than the present to call me and get started.