Exploring Camp North End

We recently spent an afternoon taking a behind-the-scenes tour of the historic buildings at Camp North End, a massive redevelopment project taking place north of uptown. The site, which was formerly a Ford factory, later a missile production plant, and most recently a Rite-Aid facility, is being transformed into a mix of offices, housing, retail, and eateries. While the full development of the property will take 15 to 20 years or more, there are currently several tenants, such as Hygge Coworking and Goodyear Arts. The boileryard has already been transformed into an event space with picnic tables, swings, and a space for live music and food trucks. From May through October you can attend “Friday Nights at Camp North End” for food trucks and free music performances. We can’t wait to see more as the development of the 75-acre property with over 1.2 million square feet of existing buildings revitalizes this area of Charlotte.